The Impact of Replacing Run Training with Cross-training on Performance of Trained Runners


Previous research has shown that runners who cross-train can maintain physiological parameters such as maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) but has been equivocal about the ability to maintain competitive running performance while cross-training. In this study, a group of high school cross country runners was tested immediately after their season on a treadmill for VO2max, lactate threshold, and running economy. They also performed a 3000-meter time trial. Following the tests, the runners were assigned to one of two cross-training groups, using either elliptical exercise machines or stationary bicycles, and given assigned workouts to replace all running. After five weeks of cross-training, the treadmill and performance tests were repeated. A control group of runners completed the same tests but continued normal off-season run training. Post-study 3-km time trials were significantly slower than the pre-study for both cross-training groups, while the control group showed non-significant improvements. Differences between the elliptical trainer and stationary bike groups were not statistically significant. No significant changes were found in any group for VO2max or lactate threshold. Cross-training with either an elliptical trainer or a stationary bike maintained VO2max and lactate threshold as measured during treadmill running, but they did not preserve running performance level

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    The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

    Last time updated on 12/02/2018

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