Nonlinear dynamical model of an automotive dual mass flywheel


The hysteresis, stick–slip, and rotational speed-dependent characteristics in a basic dual mass flywheel are obtained from a static and a dynamic experiments. Based on the experimental results, a nonlinear model of the transferred torque in this dual mass flywheel is developed, with the overlying form of nonlinear elastic torque and frictional torque. The nonlinearities of stiffness are investigated, deriving a nonlinear model to describe the rotational speed-dependent stiffness. In addition, Bouc–Wen model is used to model the hysteretic frictional torque. Thus, the nonlinear 2-degree-of-freedom system of this dual mass flywheel is set up. Then, the Levenberg–Marquardt method is adopted for the parameter estimation of the frictional torque. Finally, taking the nonlinear stiffness in this model into account, the parameters of Bouc–Wen model are estimated based on the dynamic test data

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