Epitope Fingerprinting for Recognition of the Polyclonal Serum Autoantibodies of Alzheimer’s Disease


Autoantibodies (aAb) associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have not been sufficiently characterized and their exact involvement is undefined. The use of information technology and computerized analysis with phage display technology was used, in the present research, to map the epitope of putative self-antigens in AD patients. A 12-mer random peptide library, displayed on M13 phages, was screened using IgG from AD patients with two repetitions. Seventy-one peptides were isolated; however, only 10 were positive using the Elisa assay technique (Elisa Index > 1). The results showed that the epitope regions of the immunoreactive peptides, identified by phage display analysis, were on the exposed surfaces of the proteins. The putative antigens MAST1, Enah, MAO-A, X11/MINT1, HGF, SNX14, ARHGAP 11A, APC, and CENTG3, which have been associated with AD or have functions in neural tissue, may indicate possible therapeutic targets

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