Prohibition of Collective Expulsion of Aliens in European and Slovenian Legal System


Kolektivni izgoni so v času povečanim migracij v Evropi znova aktualna problematika. Predstavljajo izgon skupine ljudi, pri katerem posamezna oseba ni deležna individualne obravnave. Številne mednarodne pogodbe vsebujejo postopkovna pravila, ki varujejo tujce pred takšnim izgonom. Protokol številka 4 k Evropski konvenciji o človekovih pravicah je bil prvi mednarodni pravni akt, ki je eksplicitno določil prepoved kolektivnih izgonov tujcev. Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice je to prepoved opredelilo in ugotovilo, da so bili do sedaj tujci podvrženi kolektivnemu izgonu v 6 primerih. Varstvo zoper kolektivnih izgon tujcev vsebuje tudi pravo Evropske Unije. V zadnjih letih je zaradi prihoda večjega števila migrantov veliko držav v Evropi zaostrilo svojo zakonodajo in izvajalo ukrepe, ki niso bili v skladu s prevzetimi mednarodnimi obveznostmi. Politike nadzora nad migracijami gredo v smeri preprečevanja dostopa do mednarodne zaščite. Države članice sprejemajo ukrepe, s katerimi pribežnikom odrekajo zaščito in poskušajo preusmeriti tok tujcev in prosilcev za mednarodno zaščito v druge države. Tudi Republika Slovenija je v letu 2017 sprejela spremembe zakonodaje, ki sledijo temu trendu. Sprejeta novela v primeru povečanih migracij namreč predvideva ukrepe, ki kršijo pravice tujcev in prosilcev za mednarodno zaščito, niso skladni z mednarodnim pravom, Evropsko konvencijo o človekovih pravicah, pravom Evropske Unije in Ustavo Republike Slovenije.Collective expulsions in time of increased migration into Europe are again topical issue. They represent the expulsion of a group of people in which a person does not receive individual examination. Several international treaties contain procedural rules that protect aliens against such expulsion. Protocol No. 4 to the European Convention on Human Rights was the first international legal instrument to explicitly set the prohibition of collective expulsion of aliens. European Court of Human Rights has defined this prohibition and found that aliens have been subjected to collective expulsion in 6 cases. Protection against such expulsion is also contained in the legal system of the European Union. In recent years, due to arrival of a large number of migrants, many countries in Europe have restricted their legislation and implemented measures that were not in accordance with their international commitments. Migration control policies in Europe are going in the direction of the denial of access to international protection. Member states are taking measures to exclude those fleeing international protection and trying to shift the flow of aliens and asylum seekers to other countries. Following this trend, Republic of Slovenia adopted amendments to the laws regulating aliens in 2017. Adoption of an amendment in the event of increased migration envisages measures that violate the rights of aliens and asylum seekers and are not consistent with international law, European Convention on Human Rights, European Union law and the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia

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Repository of the University of Ljubljana

Last time updated on 15/06/2017

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