Voz diaspórica e identidad femenina en 'De cómo las Muchachas García perdieron el acento' de Julia Alvarez


The purpose of this essay is to study the multitude of narrative voices and how they are used describing the evolution in the diasporic feminine identity in How the García Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez. The study aims to determine the difficulties in developing and emerging into the North American society with a Dominican culture, including a fusion of cults and a different linguistic background. The first objective has been to identify the different constellations of the feminine voices and then to see how they are developed along the plot. Theories about the narrative discourse in line with Genette and Calatrava have been used as well as the conception about identity according to Hall. Although the purpose has been reached, by the fulfilling and identifying of the main feminine narrative voices in the novel, a possible and satisfying investigation for the future would be including the missing masculine narrative voices

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Göteborgs universitets publikationer - e-publicering och e-arkiv

Last time updated on 01/03/2017

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