Ground-dwelling arthropod (Araneae, Coleoptera: Carabidae, Isopoda: Oniscidea) assemblages on Hungarian main road verges


In this study, we research ground-dwelling arthropods along four road stretches, which represent the main verge habitats (arid grassland, agricultural area, forest, and wetland) of Hungary. Besides the faunistic investigation of arthropod communities, we described and compared dominance relation and species composition. We identified 83 carabids, 81 spiders, and 4 isopod species. Seven beetle species and one spider species are included in the invertebrate Red List of Hungary. The registered species were dominant on main road verges bordering arid grassland and wetland. Main road verges proved to be a diverse habitat; hence, it is important to carry on more investigation

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This paper was published in Repository of the Academy's Library.

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