The Regional Distribution map of Carbohydrate Producer and the Feed Material Quality of Vannamei Shrimp in South Sulawesi


Shrimp needs a high protein of feed to get a maximum growth. Generally, the optimal growth of shrimp will be reached when protein content up to 40 ??? 50%. But in other side, when the protein substance in a feed is too high, it may decrease the water quality of cultivation media. One of ways that can be done is minimize a feed protein content and change it with carbohydrates in high protein so that, the energy from protein sources can be used to maximize a growth but the energy just for metabolism and the activity is gotten from carbohrydrates. It is needed to know the production of potential area for providing carbohydrate material source of shrimp feed in South Sulawesi. Based on the research result, there are five regencies which the highest producer of carbohydrates that takes from paddy field, paddy of unirrigated field, sweet potato, and cassava. They are Bone, Wajo, Gowa, Pinrang and Sidrap, while for corn carbohydrates comes from Jeneponto, Gowa, and Bantaeng. Luwu regency, North Luwu, East Luwu and Palopo are sago producer in South Sulawesi. The result of laboratory testing shows that sweet potato flour has a highest glucose and fructose content about 4,49% and 4.23%. The highest starch content can be gotten at soft corn flour about 59,81% then followed by pulverize rice about 57.58%, and also the tapioca flour about 57.06%

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This paper was published in Hasanuddin University Repository.

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