Underpinning UK High-Value Manufacturing: Development of a Robotic Re-manufacturing System


Impact and its measure of outcome is a given performance indicator within academia. Impact metrics and the associated understanding play a large part of how academic research is judged and ultimately funded. Natural progression of successful scientific research into industry is now an essential tool for academia. This paper describes what began over ten years ago as a concept to automate a bespoke welding system, highlighting its evolution from the research laboratories of The University of Sheffield to become a platform technology for aerospace remanufacturing developed though industry-academia collaboration. The design process, funding mechanisms, research and development trials and interaction between robotic technology and experienced welding engineers has made possible the construction of a robotic aerospace turbofan jet engine blade re-manufacturing system. This is a joint collaborative research and development project carried out by VBC Instrument Engineering Limited (UK) and The University of Sheffield (UK) who are funded by the UK governments’ innovation agency, Innovate-UK with the Aerospace Technology Institute, the Science and Facilities Technology Council (STFC) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

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    This paper was published in White Rose Research Online.

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