Application of Concrete Segment Panels for Reduction of Torsional Vibration Responses of Girder Bridges


The dynamic flexural behaviour of railway bridges is influenced by the torsional behaviour, and the flexural response tends to be amplified as the flexural natural frequency (the 1st vibrational mode) and torsional frequency (the 2nd vibrational mode) are adjoining. To avoid this phenomenon, the installation of concrete segment panels was considered for the reinforcement of torsional stiffness by connecting bottom flanges between girders. This alternative can increase the torsional stiffness by providing the restraint in torsional vibration and reduce the influence of torsional behaviour on the amplification of flexural responses. This study investigates the effect of the concrete segment panels on the control of torsional dynamic responses and on the increment of torsional frequency. The excitation tests on a full-size bridge specimen with 30 m span length were conducted with respect to the installation length of concrete panels up to 7 m from each ends. The results show that the installation of concrete segment panel augments the torsional frequency up to 22 % while the flexural frequency keeps its original value. It is concluded that the dynamic behaviour of girder bridges can be controlled by the adjustment of installation length of concrete panels, thereby reducing the torsional responses

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Last time updated on 09/08/2016

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