Direct imaging of the near field and dynamics of surface plasmon resonance on gold nanostructures using photoemission electron microscopy


Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) can be supported by metallic nanoparticles and engineered nanostructures. An understanding of the spatially resolved near-field properties and dynamics of LSPR is important, but remains experimentally challenging. We report experimental studies toward this aim using photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) with high spatial resolution of sub-10 nm. Various engineered gold nanostructure arrays (such as rods, nanodisk-like particles and dimers) are investigated via PEEM using near-infrared (NIR) femtosecond laser pulses as the excitation source. When the LSPR wavelengths overlap the spectrum of the femtosecond pulses, the LSPR is efficiently excited and promotes multiphoton photoemission, which is correlated with the local intensity of the metallic nanoparticles in the near field. Thus, the local field distribution of the LSPR on different Au nanostructures can be directly explored and discussed using the PEEM images. In addition, the dynamics of the LSPR is studied by combining interferometric time-resolved pump-probe technique and PEEM. Detailed information on the oscillation and dephasing of the LSPR field can be obtained. The results identify PEEM as a powerful tool for accessing the near-field mapping and dynamic properties of plasmonic nanostructures

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Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers

Last time updated on 16/06/2016

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