Detection of Seismic Signals from Background Noise in the Area of Campi Flegrei: Limits of the Present Seismic Monitoring


In the present paper, we will describe the field survey (Fig. 1) and the data analysis of an experiment carried out to put constraints on the magnitude detection threshold in the area of Campi Flegrei. Results show that seismic radiation emitted from VT seismic events at frequency lower than 2 Hz has a high detection threshold (minimum magnitude around 1.5). In the range between 2 and 20 Hz, VT events with magnitudes smaller than about 0.5 have a high probability to be undetected. This result indicates that noise reduction through borehole stations and/or small arrays is essential for an accurate seismic monitoring in the Campi Flegrei area

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Last time updated on 15/06/2016

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