Introduction to ethics for a BBA student


The objective of this practice-based thesis is to introduce and familiarize its reader with the basic concepts and principles of ethical thinking. The motivation to write such a paper stems from the authors personal observations that, both himself and his peers, were expected to be able to do challenging moral decisions, without having any real theoretical knowledge to support these decisions with. The thesis aims to improve the reader’s moral decision making skills. This short introduction to moral philosophy could also hopefully be utilized as teaching material for future BBA students. The chosen method for conducting such a thesis was to do a brief, booklet-like introduction to moral philosophy. The necessary information was collected from various books, speeches and articles. This information was then converted to an easy to understand package. This thesis will not give solid recommendations or results, as the topic moral philosophy rarely gives out exact answers to specific problems. However, the most common approaches to moral and ethical problems are discussed throughout the thesis, alongside with their strengths and weaknesses

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This paper was published in Theseus.

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