Validated questionnaire on diagnosis and symptom severity for functional constipation in the Chinese population


Background: Functional constipation is a common problem in clinical practice. No validated questionnaire is available in Chinese. Aim: To develop a validated questionnaire for diagnosis and symptom assessment in functional constipation for the Chinese population. Methods: One hundred and eleven patients with constipation and 110 healthy controls were presented with a 24-item constipation questionnaire in the Chinese language. Quality of life in constipation patients was assessed by Short Form-36. Polyethylene glycol was prescribed, for 4 weeks, to 20 patients with newly diagnosed constipation. The questionnaire was administered before and 4 weeks after treatment. Concept, content, construct, discriminant validity and reliability of the questionnaire were assessed. Results: Six items were selected by logistic regression to account for most of the differences between controls and constipated patients with a good reproducibility and internal consistency. A cut-off score of ≥5 was determined to discriminate between controls and constipated patients with a sensitivity of 91% and a specificity of 91%. The constipation questionnaire correlated negatively with seven domains of the Short Form-3 6 and discriminated between constipated patients who reported symptomatic improvement during polyethylene glycol treatment. Conclusions: The Chinese constipation questionnaire could be used in epidemiological studies to assess the frequency and severity of constipation in patient populations and in interventional studies of constipation. © 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

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Last time updated on 01/06/2016

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