
This reserch aimed to develop an e-learning system recognition cues Indonesian (SIBI) for multimedia-based deaf children in order to help teachers teach about the introduction of SIBI. The material covered in this application were a finger gesture, a gesture of principal, additional cues and cue formation. The waterfall model was used as a system development model in building the application and also as structured approach in analyzing and system designing-process. The system provided instruction on the introduction of SIBI in a video signal that can be used by teachers as an additional medium of teaching. To test the feasibility of the system, using a structured questionnaire in the form of a question-scale assessment ‘Likert” (Likert Scale). The results of the evaluation by the class teacher B showed for media display aspect gained an average of 4.37 with the excellent category (SB),the aspect of clarity on the application of information gained an average of 4.31wit h the excellent category (SB), aspects of the learning materials obtained an average application 4.31 with the excellent category (SB), aspects of conformance between components gained an average of 4.32 with a very good category (SB), and for ease in operation aspects of the media gained an average of 4.12 with the excellent category (SB). According to the result above, it indicated that the introduction of e-learning for the children with learning impairment had good avality and suitable as a supplementary learning media in teaching

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