The effects of co-operation in pop music song writing


The project that was a part of this thesis has been titled YENIAS – anticlaustro-phobe and was a solo project written, composed, arranged, mixed and mastered by the author. The concept around the project was to write about blindness that love brings to one’s life, the decision making related to that and common relieving situations one might run into in such dispositions. The core thought in the production itself was to combine organic elements with electronic music principles in the signal processing. The song writing itself was as personified and assimilative as possible, with using popular music song writing techniques in the toplining and lyric writing. The main question in this thesis was about the comparison of working solo on music versus working in a traditional two to three-person group. The comparison was made with the experts’ point of view, and common knowledge in song writing literature. The results were positive according the data collected beforehand. The solo-written music had unique mannerisms in it, instead of having been a type-of compromising body of work. The music itself was experimental and assimilative at the same time. The question around collaborations positives and negatives was a subjective point of discussion, but the main effect was in making compromises with multiple points of views working on the art

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