Tehnološki proces izrade nosača pneumatske hvataljke - crtež broj 016


Ovaj završni rad „Tehnološki proces izrade nosača pneumatske hvataljke prema crtežu broj 016“ podijeljen je na 6 poglavlja. U uvodnom dijelu je razrada korištene tehnologije za izradu samog nosača tj. obrada odvajanjem čestica. U sljedećem poglavlju rad objašnjava specifičnosti i zahtjeve kod projektiranja tehnologije pneumatske hvataljke. Treće poglavlje obuhvaća karakteristike materijala koji je korišten za izradu nosača pneumatske hvataljke. Četvrto poglavlje razrađuje tehnologiju izrade proizvoda prema crtežu broj 016, faze izrade te izbor potrebnih alata i pribora prema traženoj kvaliteti te u petom poglavlju navodi zahtjeve pri odabiru za izradu nosača i njegove tehnološke mogućnosti. U zadnjem poglavlju slijedi zaključak završnog rada o važnosti korištenja CNC strojeva u modernoj proizvodnji kao i u obrazovanju za operatere CNC strojeva.This final paper "The technological process of manufacturing a pneumatic grip carrier according to drawing No. 016" is divided into 6 chapters. In the introductory part, the use of technology for fabrication of the carrier itself, ie particle separation treatment, is elaborated. In the next section, the shop explained the specifics and requirements for designing pneumatic grip technologies. The third chapter contains the characteristic materials used to make the pneumatic grip carrier. The fourth chapter elaborates the technology of manufacturing the product according to drawing No. 016, the stages of production to select the required tools and accessories according to the required quality, and in the fifth chapter lists the requirements for selection for the construction of the carrier and its technological capabilities. The final chapter follows the conclusion of the final work on the importance of using CNC machines in modern manufacturing as well as in the education of operated CNC machines

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Croatian Digital Thesis Repository

Last time updated on 04/04/2020

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