1999-2000-UMUC-Undergraduate Catalog


US;~ UMUC 1999-2000 UNDERG RADUATE .. UMUC Undergraduate Programs UNIVERSITY of MARYLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE University Boulevard tit Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20742-/660 World Wide Web: www.umue.edu/llgp E-mail: umucinj'[email protected] University Policy Statements The provisions of this publication are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and University of Maryland University College. There are occa­sional changes in the general regulations and in the academic requirements. Procedures that have been established for making changes were designed to protect the institution's integrity and each student's interests and welfare. When a curriculum requirement or a graduation requirement is altered, it is made retroactive only if it is to the student's advantage and can be accommodated within the span of years normally required for graduation. Accreditation University of Maryland University College is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215-662-5606). Nondiscrimination University of Maryland University College welcomes applications from prospective students and employees regardless of race, religion, color, creed, gender, marital sta­tus, age, national origin, political affiliation, mental or physical disability, or sexual orientation. University ofMaryland University College is a member ofthe University System ofMaryland - - Table of Contents 2 INTRODUCTION TO UMUC 173 Tutoring 173 Writing Resources 2 Overview 173 Alumni Association 4 Special Features and Programs 174 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 8 ADMISSION AND ENROLLMENT 174 Tuition and Fees 8 Admission Requirements 175 Employer-Provided Tuition Assistance 9 Procedures for Admission 175 Financial Aid 179 Veterans Benefits 12 BACHELOR'S DEGREE REQUIREMENTS 12 Cross-Curricular Initiatives 181 GRADUATE PROGRAMS 12 Expectations 12 Requirements 182 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 14 Second Bachelor's Degree 182 National Leadership Institute 15 UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULA 182 Head Start Resource and Training Center 182 Professional and Workforce Development 15 Primary and Secondary Specializations 183 Nuclear Science and Engineering Program 16 Specialization Descriptions 184 OTHER SUPPOR'rING PROGRAMS 50 A_SSOCIATE'S DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES 184 Center for Teaching, Learning, aM Assessment50 Associate of Arts Degree 184 Office of Distance Education and Lifelong Learning 50 Certificate Programs 185 Institute for Environmental Management 185 Institute for Global Management 51_~LTE~_~ATIVEOPTIONS FOR EARNING CREDIT 185 Arts Program 5] Learning Gained Through Experience 52 External Sources of College Credit 186 OVERSEAS PROGRAMS Schwabisch GmUnd Campus 55 INFORMATION ON COURSES 186 _ I, I 187 European Division 55 The Unit of Credit 190 Asian Division 55 Prerequisites 193 Professional Development Programs International 55 Key to Course Descriptions 56 Index to Course Descriptions 1. 194 ADMINISTRATION I --­] 94 University System of Maryland 57 UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 194 UMUC 164 ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE 198 FACULTY REQUIREMENTS 164 Scholastic and Administrative Standards 222 APPENDICES 167 Responsibilities of the Student 169 Responsibilities of UMUC 237 INDEX 170 SERVICES TO STUDENTS 242 MAPS 170 General Information and Orientation 170 Team-Based Services to Students 245 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION 170 Advising Assistance from Admission to Graduation 17] Other Services 172 Information and Library Services Introduction to University of Maryland University College OVERVIEW University of Maryland University College (UMUC) is an innovative, glo­bal university whose mission is to provide high-quality educational oppor­tunities to adult, part-time students worldwide. With headquarters in College Park, Maryland, UMUC is one of 11 degree-granting institutions within the University System of Maryland (USM). Since 1947, adults in the workforce have known UMUC for its commitment to excellence both in credit and noncredit programs. UMUC offers associate, undergraduate, and graduate degree programs, and professional development opportunities, including industry certification. Students may attend courses locally, nationally, at international locations, or at a distance through the use of technology. UMUC is a forerunner in the world of distance education, having provided open and alternative educational opportunities to adult learners for more than 25 years. Recently, UMUC has emerged as a leader in technology­mediated distance education, winning two coveted UCEAlPeterson's awards for innovative distance education, and receiving recognition from Forbes magazine as one of the top 20 "cyber universities" in the world. UMUC uses multiple technologies to design and deliver distance programs and stu­dent support services, with online delivery emerging as the fastest growing component of its distance program. By June 1999, UMUC had served more than 12,000 students through distance education technologies, in­cluding more than 7,000 students in over 150 online courses. That num­ber continues to grow every semester. UMUC operates 28 regional sites in or near Maryland. Programs are also offered at more than 150 U.S. military installations in Europe, the Middle East, East Asia, and the Pacific for servicemembers and their families. A two-year residential campus in Mannheim, Germany, serves the families of U.S. military and government personnel stationed in Europe. At its residen­tial campus in Schwabisch Gmiind, Germany, UMUC provides an interna­tional undergraduate education to students from the United States and dozens of other countries. Russian students may earn a UMUC bachelor's degree through online programs offered jointly with Far Eastern State University in Vladivostok and Irkutsk State University in Irkutsk. Students choose UMUC because of its excellent academic programs. Undergraduate degree students may choose a primary specialization from 31 academic subjecrs, 16 of which are available completely at a distance. (A complete listing of undergraduate specializations appears on p. 15). Students may also take advantage of UMUC's innovative approaches to learning, such as interdisciplinary programs, cooperative education, and portfolio assessment of experiential learning. The Graduate School of Management & Technology confers eight master's degrees, including an online Master of Business Administration, with 19 tracks in management and technology. The Graduate School also offers an executive master's degree program including an Executive Master of Science in Management, an Executive Master of International Management, an Executive Master of Science in Technology Management, and an Executive Program in 2 The System now consists of 11 degree-granting institutions: Bowie State University Coppin State College Frostburg State University Salisbury State University Towson University University of Baltimore University of Maryland, Baltimore University of Maryland, Baltimore County University of Maryland, College Park University of Maryland Eastern Shore University of Maryland University College In addition to these 11 institutions, there are two University System ofMaryland research and service units: University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Information Technology leading to a Master of Science in Computer Systems Management or a Master of Science in Telecommunications Management. The curricula of UMUC's bachelor's and master's degree programs emphasize skills and competencies needed by adults in the workforce. The university works closely with its faculty, businesses, and other organizations in develop­ing and maintaining the currency of these curricula. UMUC's increasing allian~es strengthen its mission. UMUC has formed alliances with seven Maryland community colleges to enable students to earn an associate's degree at an allied community college and then finish a bachelor's degree by completing upper-level coursework at UMUC. Participating colleges include Anne Arundel Community College, Carroll Community College, Charles County Community College, Frederick Community College, Hagerstown Community College, Montgomery College, and Prince George's Community College. These alliances offer students dual admission, simultaneous enrollment, seamless curricula, and convenient locations to complete associate's and bachelor's degrees throughout Maryland and the Washington, D.C., metropolitan region. (More details are provided on p. 6.) In addition, UMUC is a charter member of MarylandOnline, to be launched in fall 1999. MarylandOnline is a collaboration between Maryland community colleges and universities, with a goal of providing online degrees (associate's, bachelor's, and master's) and certificates to citizens of Maryland and to students throughout the United States. Partnerships in Maryland support the business community. UMUC works to develop strong strategic partnerships with business and industry leaders, government, and other agencies in Maryland, and is an important partner in our state's economic development. Adhering to its mission of bringing convenient and relevant learning opportunities to the workforce, UMUC has developed strong relationships with many prominent Maryland busi­nesses to assure that their education and training needs, and those of their individual employees, will be met. UMUC also houses preeminent international centers for research and pro­fessional development training. In accordance with the mission of bringing convenient and relevant learning opportunities to the workforce, several professional institutes and research centers within UMUC customize train­ing and education for a wide array of organizational clients. UMUC constantly devises and develops new high-quality academic pro­grams and delivery methods, such as online delivery, to meet the demands of expansion. Support services are continually evaluated and monitored to ensure that the needs of UMUC students are met. UMUC is positioned for even greater accomplishments in the second mil­lennium. Already enrolling the largest number of students of any USM institution, UMUC's 1998 academic year enrollment of more than 70,000 students will continue to expand in the coming years. .3 SPECIAL FEATURES AND PROGRAMS Distance Learning Formats UMUC affords students the opportunity to earn a bachelor's degree in 16 curricula through courses offered at a distance. These courses are designed for students who require scheduling flexibility or are unable to commute to class­room sites. Courses are available online via the World Wide Web or through voice mail. Courses often require video-or audiotapes. UMUC offers primary specializations in accounting, behavioral and social sciences, business and management, communication studies, computer and information science, computer studies, English, environmental mangement, fire science, humanities, information systems management, management, management studies, paralegal studies, psychology, and technology and management through distance education formats. Students may complete degrees exclusively online in the following specializations: accounting, behavioral and social sciences, business and management, computer and information science, computer studies, management, management studies, and technology and management. For most specializations, students may choose to pursue their degrees through a combination of interactive for­mats. Distance courses can also be used to earn a paralegal studies docu­ment, complete a second bachelor's degree, or supplement classroom-based degree programs. Online students must meet certain minimum computing conditions. For more information on hardware or software requirements, or for other details, students may visit the UMUC distance education Web site at www.umuc.eduldistanceor call 301-985-7000 or 800-283-6832. MarylandOnline MarylandOnline unites Maryland colleges and universities in delivery of their programs and services statewide and internationally via the World Wide Web. Begun in 1998 as a cooperative venture between UMUC and the Maryland Community College Teleconsortium (MCCT), MarylandOnline currently comprises UMUC and 16 community col­leges and is expected to expand soon to include other University System of Maryland institutions and state independent colleges and universities. Building on the degree articulation alliances UMUC has forged with the state's community colleges and the successful online educational consortium the community colleges have formed as part of MCCT, MarylandOnline allows students to earn associate's, bachelor's, and mas­ter's degrees, as well as certificates, free from campus boundaries. Partners in MarylandOnline collaborate in the development, marketing, delivery, and training needed for instruction to succeed in an online environment. National Universities Degree Consortium UMUC participates in the National Universities Degree Consortium (NUDC). NUDC is a consortium of 12 accredited universities across the United States working together to offer more than 1,000 courses through distance education. Courses are available directly from the individual mem­bers of NUDe. To receive a catalog, prospective students may call 800­283-6832, ext. 7000, or visit the Web site at www.sc.eduldeisINUDCI. 4 Southern Regional Education Board UMUC also provides its gtaduate and undetgraduate distance education pro­grams and courses through the Electronic Campus of the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB). SREB is the nation's first interstate compact for education, created in 1948 ro advance education and improve the social and economic life of the region by providing high-quality academic opportuni­ties. Sixteen southern states, including Maryland, currently participate in the Southern Regional Electronic Campus. The Electronic Campus Web site can be found at www.srec.sreb.org. Prior Learning Prior Learning offers students two opportunities for earning credit for pre­vious study or for prior experiences beyond the classroom. One approach, the course-challenge examination, permits students to take comprehensive tests on material learned outside the classroom that is generally presented in college courses. A test is prepared individually for the student who requests it. The other approach, EXCEL Through Experiential Learning, allows stu­dents to earn credit for college-level knowledge acquired in work and life experiences. After being admitted to the EXCEL program, students enroll in a course that requires them to prepare a portfolio of relevant learning. The portfolio is then evaluated by faculty specialists for possible credit. This course is available online via the 'v:reb or in voice-mail format. The credit may be applied toward a first or second degree. To be eligible, students must complete an EXCEL appLcation and attend an EXCEL orientation. Students may ca1l301-985-7755 or 800-283-6832, ext. 7755, or may visit the Web page at www.umuc.edulpriorlearning for more intormation. Cooperative Education Cooperative Education (Co-op) is an opportunity to combine academic the­ory with new, career-related experiences. Students can earn upper-level aca­demic credit integral to the bachelor's degree for new learning that occurs in the workplace. Co-op enables a student to develop marketable skills while completing degree requirements. It is possible for students to earn Co-op credit if their current position otters an opportunity for new learning or if they recently started a new job, received a promotion, or were assigned new responsibilities. Co--op credit may be earned in any UMUC specialization, in paid or unpaid positions. The Co--op starf-teaches job-search skills through the Job Development pro­gram to help students find positions in their career fields. There is a ree for tnis service. Students participating in Job Development enroll in the Co-op course when they begin a new position. Students may call 301-985-7780, send e-mail ro coojJ(aJUJwzu.umuc.edu, or visit the \Veb page at UJZUlU.unJuc.edu/ coop for further information. Nuclear Science and Engineering Program The Nuclear Science and Engineering Program (NSEP), delivered on site at participating corporations. is available thtough contracting arrangements. It is the second largest nuclear science bachelor's degree program in the country. Its objective is to produce graduates who can effectively manage the technologically unique environment of the nuclear industry. The program was designed to meet the recommended guidelines of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 5 NSEP is a computer-aided program that includes online instruction, faculty lectures, student services, and labs. Students have continual communication with faculty, academic counselors, and administrative staff through the use of telecommunication. Community College Alliances UMUC has partnerships with several area community colleges to allow adult, part-time students to move seamlessly into a bachelor's degree pro­gram within their communities, through integrated curricula. Students may be concurrently admitted to their local community college and UMUC through a single application, and may take advantage of any of UMUC's locations for their upper-level coursework. Students may also complete upper-level coursework through UMUC's distance learning options, includ­ing online course delivery. Counselors both at UMUC and the community college provide academic advising, financial aid coordination, and library services information. More academic alliances are currently in the planning stages. AACC-UMUC Alliance In Anne Arundel County, UMUC offers classes at Anne Arundel Com­munity College, the UMUC Annapolis Center, Fort Meade, and the Glen Burnie Town Center. Students participating in the AACC-UMUC Alliance may complete bachelor's degree specializations in accounting, business and management, management, management studies, computer science, com­puter and information science, computer studies, and information systems management. CCC-UMUC Alliance The Carroll Community College-University of Maryland University College Alliance offers students in Carroll County the ability to use their associate's degree programs as the foundation to complete their bachelor's degrees. CCC programs in computer information systems, computer graph­ics, or computer-aided design are all linked with UMUC's bachelor's degree specialization in computer studies. Additionally, articulated programs lead­ing to the psychology and communication studies specializations are avail­able. Carroll County students may attend a limited number of UMUC courses at the community college, but will find it convenient to complete their programs via distance programs. CCCC-UMUC Alliance In Southern Maryland, Charles County Community College and University of Maryland University College have formed the CCCC-UMUC Alliance. The newly opened CCCC-UMUC Waldorf Center offers students a state-of­the-art education facility. Instructional technology (including computer labs), instructional television, interactive video, and distance learning capabilities support the academic programs of both institutions. Coordinated student and academic services are available at the Waldorf Center. Students also may be admitted to the alliance at any of CCCC's and UMUC's other locations. The articulated programs include bachelor's degree specializations in accounting, business and management, management, management studies, computer and information science, computer science, computer studies, and information systems management. 6 FCC-UMUC Alliance The Frederick Community College-Universiry of Maryland University College Alliance allows students in Frederick County to complete both asso­ciate's and bachelor's degrees in the county. In Frederick County, UMUC offers courses at Frederick Community College and the Frostburg State University Center at Frederick. FCC associate's degrees in several disciplines are linked to the related UMUC bachelor's degree specializations of com­puter and information science, computer studies, information systems man­agement, and psychology. Additional programs may be articulated at a later date. HCC-UMUC Alliance Washington County students will find the Hagerstown Community College-University of Maryland University College Alliance an ideal rela­tionship as they pursue advanced education. Several articulated academic programs, the dual-admissions process, and coordinated student support make the transition from associate's degree to bachelor's degree smooth and convenient. HCC programs in accounting, management, paralegal studies, and computer-related studies will lead to the respective bachelor's degree specializations at UMUC. Students may attend classes at the Frostburg State University Center at Hagerstown, participate in instructional televi­sion classes at the community college, or complete their UMUC require­ments online. MC-UMUC Alliance The Montgomery College-University of Maryland University College Alliance offers students articulated bachelor's degree programs in account­ing, business and management, management studies, hotel and restaurant management, computer science, computer and information science, com­puter studies, and information systems management. Students at the Montgomery College campuses in Rockville and Germantown may 6nd it most convenient to take UMUC classes at the University System of Maryland Shady Grove Center, while students at the Montgomery College Takoma Park campus may take advantage of the UMUC offerings at near­by College Park. PGCC-UMUC Alliance Students in Prince George's County who participate in the Prince George's Community College-University of M

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