Computer drawings in preschool-aged children


Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je procijeniti razinu dječje sposobnosti crtanja na računalu, s obzirom na dob djeteta i njegove crtačke sposobnosti s tradicionalnim likovnim sredstvima (olovkom i bojicom) na papiru. Uzorak istraživanja sastojao se od 30 djece u dobi od 4 do 6 godina ( desetero djece u dobi od 4. godine, desetero djece u dobi od 5. godina, te desetero u dobi od 6. godina). Istraživanje je provedeno u tri odgojne skupine. Djeca su crtala motiv obitelji na papiru, a zatim su pristupili crtanju istog motiva na računalu. Odabrani radovi su analizirani i usporediti s obzirom na postavljene hipoteze. Tijekom analiziranja u obzir su uzimani pojedini detalji koje je dijete prikazivalo u oba crteža, korištenje boje prilikom stvaranja računalnog crteža, otežan izražaj djece mlađe dobi, te vjerniji prikaz zadanog motiva na crtežu na papiru. Dobiveni rezultati su djelomično ili u potpunosti potvrdili sve hipoteze.The aim of the research was to evaluate the level of child's ability to draw children using the computer with regard to the age of the child and his ability to draw on traditional art tools (pencil and dye) on paper. The survey consisted of 30 children aged between 4 and 6 (10 children aged 4 years, 10 children aged 5 and 10 in age of 6). The research was conducted in three educational groups. The kids sketched the family motif on paper and then approached drawing the same motif on the computer. Selected papers were analyzed and compared with the set hypotheses. During the analysis, the individual details made by the child were shown in both drawings, the use of color when creating a computer drawing, the difficulty of expression by young children, and a more faithful display of the motivational motif on the drawing on paper. The results obtained have partially or fully confirmed all hypotheses

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Repository of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Last time updated on 18/12/2019

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