
Razvoj pametnih gradova bitan je čimbenik u postizanju konkurentnosti i boljeg ţivota cjelokupne zajednice. Mnogi gradovi svijeta nastoje postići naziv pametnog grada, a put do njegova ostvarenja zahtjeva dobro poznavanje pametnog gradskog koncepta, karakteristika i komponenti koje grad čine pametnim, te definiranja gradskih izazova i problema, kao i tehnologije koja će ih riješiti ili ublaţiti. U ovom radu detaljno će se objasniti sve navedeno te će se definirati koraci koje je potrebno provesti kako bi se razvio pametan grad. Nadalje, bit će obraĎeni primjeri poznatih svjetskih pametnih gradova koji su zahvaljujući jasno postavljenim ciljevima i njihovom uspješnom provoĎenju postali primjer drugima. Nakon toga, dat će se primjeri nekih od Hrvatskih pametnih gradova koji su još i dalje u svojoj ranoj fazi razvoja, te će se posebno objasniti Zagreb kao pametan grad. U konačnici, ovaj rad će dati uvid u razvoj Grada Splita, navesti će se problemi s kojima se grad suočava, trenutna pametna rješenja koja je postigao, kao i prijedlozi pametnih rješenja koja bi se u budućnosti trebala implementirati ocijenjena na temelju provedenog intervjua.The development of smart cities is an important factor in achieving competitiveness and better life in the entire community. Many cities in the world are trying to reach the name of a smart city, in order to achieve it, they have to have a good knowledge of the smart city concept, features and components that makes the city smart, have to be able to define urban challenges and problems as well as technologies that will solve or mitigate them. In this paper, will be defined all the steps that are required to develop a smart city and all the above will be explained in detail. Furthermore, examples of well-known world-famous cities will be dealt with, which, thanks to clearly set goals and their successful implementation, become an example to others. After that, some of the smart cities of Croatia which are still in its early stages of development will be given as examples, and Zagreb will be specifically highlighted as a smart city. Ultimately, this paper will give an insight into the development of the City of Split, identify the problems this city is facing, the current smart solutions it has achieved, and the proposals of smart solution that should be implemented in the future assessed, based on the interview

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This paper was published in Repository of Economics faculty in Split.

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