
Faze fizičke distribucije dijele se na: narudţbu i isporuku robe, skladištenje, upravljanje zalihama, manipulaciju robe i prijevoz. Poduzeće ih prilagoĎava ovisno o eksternim i internim faktorima koji najznačajnije utječu na njihov oblik poslovanja. U radu se empirijski analizira poduzeće Luksometar d.o.o. u 2018. godini. Ispituju se sve navedene komponente objašnjene u teorijskom dijelu i vrši se komparacija izmeĎu teorijskoga objašnjena i djelovanja u praksi poduzeća. Poduzeće Luksometar d.o.o. malo je poduzeće na čije poslovanje značajno utječu eksterni faktori poput stanja na trţištu odnosno ponude i potraţnje, ponašanje konkurencije te izraţena razdoblja potraţnje za odreĎenim proizvodima. MeĎu internim faktorima se ističe lokacija poslovnice, broj zaposlenika, veličina skladišta i dostupna tehnologija. Ishod promatranih stavki ukazuje na podudarnost teorijskoga i empirijskoga istraţivanja uz manja odstupanja u pojedinim fazama zbog navedenih faktora.Physical distribution consists of the five phases: order and delivery of goods, storage from the point of origin to the point of consumption or use, inventory management, manipulation of goods and transportation. All phases of the company can be changed depending on the external and internal factors that most significantly affect certain business. Empirical analysis is based on the company Luksometar d.o.o. in 2018. All of the components mentioned, are explained in the theoretical part and a comparison is made between them. Luksometar d.o.o. is a small company whose operations are significantly influenced by external factors such as the market situation; supply and demand, competition and higher demand periods for certain products. The most important internal factors are: location of the branch office, the number of employees, the size of the warehouse and the available technology. The outcomes of the observed items point in the correspondence of theoretical and empirical research with minor deviations in certain phases due to the mentioned factors

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This paper was published in Repository of Economics faculty in Split.

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