The career of the violeiro (brazilian ten string guitar player) Tião Carreiro — from the first duos to his success as the creator and “king” of the pagode genre


Esse trabalho traz um resumo da trajetória do cantor, compositore violeiro Tião Carreiro (José Dias Nunes, 1934-1993). Por meio daanálise musical de sua extensa discografia e da pesquisa de suabiografia desde o início da carreira até sua inserção e repercussãono segmento sertanejo nas décadas de cinquenta, sessenta, setentae oitenta, procuramos entender em que medida o artista utilizou asmatrizes, os gêneros e linguagens caipiras tradicionais, e de queforma os conciliou com outras tendências e gêneros relacionados aosinteresses do mercado e da indústria fonográfica.This work presents a summary of the life and career of the singer, composer and viola caipira player Tião Carreiro (José Dias Nunes, 1934– 1993). Through the musical analysis of his extensive discography and the research of his biography – from the start of his music career through his entry into and impact on the sertanejo scene in the fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties – we seek to understand how extensively the artist used the traditional caipira musical matrices, genres and languages, and how he reconciled these with other tendencies and genres related to the interests of the market and the phonographic industry

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This paper was published in Cadernos Espinosanos (E-Journal).

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