This thesis details a novel shape-oriented test set compression method that offers
an alternative approach to reduce large test data of a complex circuit under test (CUT)
such as the system-on-a-chip (SoC). Rather than the usual one-dimensional compression
approach utilized by other contemporary compression techniques, such as the Huffman
coding and Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) method, the proposed method compresses a test
set in a two-dimensional style. To achieve the compression, the proposed method
initially sorts test cubes, which are sent to the combinational CUT to detect the single
stuck-at faults of the chip, by employing the ideal vector sorting algorithm; the algorithm
rearranges cubes based on the test data that resemble parts of predefined shapes identified
in the cubes. After the cubes are sorted, the amalgamated-shapes area-covering algorithm
of the proposed method attempts to discover predefined shapes or blocks and stores the
corresponding information. In the last stage of the proposed method, the multi-syntax
encoding algorithm converts the stored information into encoding bits. The experimental
results show that the proposed method has higher compression ratios compared to that of
other contemporary compression schemes in most cases. As a result, compared to other
schemes, employing the shape-oriented method can lessen the time of transferring and
can reduce the memory for storing the compressed data further.Applied Science, Faculty ofElectrical and Computer Engineering, Department ofGraduat
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