Lethbridge Collegiate Institute Spotlite 1957


The annual publication of the students of Lethbridge Collegiate Institute, Lethbridge, Alberta. (Volume. 1956-57)pdf"Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." The Bible ANNUAL PUBLICATION OF THE STUDENTS7 UNION OF THE LETHBRIDGE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE I 957 ENROLMENT 690Principal's Message e¥M)&5 The present Collegiate was opened in September, 1950, yet within the short space of six years more rooms were needed and during the past year many changes have taken place in the physical plant. The counselling suite was re-arranged; the main office was renovated and enlarged into a suitable spacious area; a most modern shower and locker room was created with sixty individual lockers and additional showers (a real boom to boys' athletic activities); an additional dressing room was found for the girls; and finally a modern nineteen room addition complete with offices, infirmary, teachers' lounges and labora­tories was added to the west side of the building. The Collegiate now boasts thirty-one classrooms, four complete laboratories, six technical shops, four Home Economics rooms, one typing room and one fully-equipped business machines room. During this school year, in addition to accommodating several Junior High classes, the enrollment reached 690 with ten Grade X, seven Grade XI, and six Grade XII classes offering the widest choice to all students. The potential of the school is now approximately 1100. The citizens of Lethbridge through the Public School Board have provided for the youth of this progressive city facilities unsurpassed anywhere in Canada. It now is the responsibility of the students and their parents to see that the possibilities in this school are used to the full. Never in the history of Canada has youth had such outstanding opportunities—in the school every conceivable tool to work with; bursaries and scholarships in abundance to encourage higher learning; and business wanting graduates in ever-increasing numbers with more jobs available than applicants to fill them. Youth of today must realize and appreciate the heritage that is theirs and make every hour count. If every student entering High School would work to capacity the stream of graduates would soon double. The operation of a wide variety of night classes continues, filling a real need among our adult population, and the enthusiasm will naturally lead to a much wider field of opportunity. And now, owing to the vision and diligence of a handful of inspired leaders in education in our city, this fall is to see the opening of a Junior College right here in Lethbridge, housed in our Collegiate. This will provide youth and adult alike with a wider opportunity to continue formal education in fields of study beyond the present scope of the traditional secondary school program. Parents of graduates as well as graduates should follow with the greatest attention the establishment of this College remaining alive to the opportunity right here at home. This College deserves the fullest support of everyone in the South. To open its doors it must have students, and the graduating class of 1957 must provide its first students. We all want it to be a real success. Will you do your part? Lethbridge is always progressive. Let's keep it so. Best wishes to the graduates in the coming examinations — and we hope to see you next fall enrolled in our Junior College.E.O PARSONS B A.,B.Ed F A. RUDD M.A., LL.B D.P. WALKER B.Sc WN. THOMAS M.J. CLARK B. Ed B.Ed. S HALE M.A DA.. ROSE JB-Ed R.W. DUNN B-Sc, B.Ed. M.T FRANCIS MET. SILLITO BA..B Ed. MEd C. MacEACHERN B.A. K. SUTHERLAND B.A. W.J. COUSINS MA. TC. SEQSWORTU BA J. Q. STEAD B-Ed WL.THOMPSON M.A C E. CONNORS B. Ed an SMEDLEY J. A. WHITE LAW B.E<±,M Sc OB. ERITSLAND l-L. WILKINS M-A.,Ph.D. A.W. BIDER J.P L\EBE T>kD A.E KUETBACH B.ScEditoriat The pages are fast closing on another school year, a time which signifies the edition of the 1957 Yearbook. The casual reader, glancing through the following pages, may be inclined to think that such a book can be put together in the course of a few weeks. Such is not the case. The L. C. I. Yearbook constitutes the work of an entire term with numerous students and teachers giving freely of their time and effort to make it a success. On behalf of the Yearbook staff, I would like to express our hearty appreciation to Mr. Rose and his typing classes, the proofreaders, and Mr. Stead and Miss Francis who took charge of Grade Ten and Twelve features. And, of course, no list of appreciation would be complete without a hearty thanks to our advisor, Mr. Rea, who guided our efforts with an amazing degree of tolerance and understanding. The month of June is a time of varied activities — exams, graduation and fond farewells. Many of you still have a year or two of high school life ahead of you. At the risk of sounding trite, I would suggest that you use these years wisely. The Collegiate offers fun as well as education and, if properly utilized, can assure you of a firm foundation for future experiences. To the graduates who are leaving the building which has been their home for three and possibly four years, the very best of luck in your final exams and future endeavours. Remember, you have become part of the L. C. I. in the past terms and, as a result, will take a portion of the school with you when you leave. You have become the mouthpiece of our school which will be judged according to your recommendations. This is a responsi­bility which cannot be taken lightly. The teachers have invested in you the best of their knowledge. May this investment pay off in dividends of happi­ness and success in the coming years. "In the lexicon of youth, which fate reserves For a bright manhood, there is no such word As 'fail'." Cardinal RichelieuJ fAlRBAlRN Cditor B. UNGARO l.-blacx bourne peris' N\. SNO^tJOW GirCS Sports S>. StA^TH P/iouw-ox B. MELVIN HotpS Sports M. ANDERSON ^Bctiisittcs Q. NUTT ALL J. CHERRY M. HERON <tatctor J. BOULTON Assistant B. STEED B. FOSS D. STOUFFER W. A "REA •STAFFValedictory MARJORIE WELLWOOD Soon we shall come to the end of a month which marks not only the conclusion of this school year but also the termination of all the familiar things that, for the last twelve (or a few more) years, we have taken for granted as being a part of our lives. i It does seem rather disturbing to realize that the majority of us will never again prowl the halls of the L. C. I. No longer will we be a part of the groups of students swarming each day to and from our school, of the cheering crowd in the bleachers frantically yelling, "Bring on the gold and the green," or of the line of pale-faced students waiting for an admit slip or a polio shot. Never again will we drag home an armful of scholarly tomes, try to finagle our way through the next day with no homework done, or land ungracefully in the detention class for chewing gum too enthusiastically. Probably we shall miss the fantastic odors evolving from the Chem. and Home Ec. rooms, the sharp rousing clang of the moving bell, and the feeling of satisfaction obtained from having thought up a supposedly unique play for skipping school, and the countless other things we do not give a thought to now. However sad these memories may be, they will be short-lived, for soon they will be replaced with newer, fresher ambitions and hopes. We are now in the foothill region of our life. Above us, the steeper heights beckon. We shall challenge, and conquer them, constantly finding that with each new peak we surmount, there, looming above us, are more precipitous pinnacles to scale. We shall find too, that al­though the going gets rougher, the air becomes clearer and fresher, our eyes survey new horizons, and a little of the mist that veils the true values of life clears away. Somehow through these years, we have survived each succeeding grade, growing from completely dependent grade-oners to occasionally stubbornly independent high-schoolers. We are all too soon going to realize that although we may be glad that there will be no more harsh admonishings from our principal and teachers, from now on, we will be the persons solely responsible for our actions and only we can determine the course of our future lives. To Mr. Kyle, to our L. C. I. teachers, and to those who taught us in the lower grades, goes our sincere gratitude for the training and guidance selflessly given, but not always gratefully received, which they have accorded us. They may be assured that our deep apprecia­tion, while not always evident on the surface, is nevertheless real and abiding. The past twelve years have laid the pattern for the molding of us graduates into good citizens. Now we must follow that pattern, practicing to the best of our ability the qualities of honesty, sincerity, tolerance, and fair judgment. Blended together with the ideals of democracy, the freshness of an open mind (not to be confused with an empty mind), and leavened with a sense of humor, they perfect this pattern. Our graduating class may not produce famous statesmen, Einsteins or great movie stars, but if we all can justly say that we tried, then no matter whether we go on to university, go immediately to work, or become professional chimney-sweeps, we shall have accomplished something truly worthwhile, for en­deavor is the groundwork of achievement. Farewells are always sad, and ours will be no exception. No one will blame us for a nostalgic tear shed in remembrance of the past. But our eyes must now be turned forward. Let us, with a firm step, a clear eye and a confident heart, continue on to greater and greater heights, so that the Graduating Class of 1957 may long be remembered in the annals of the L. C. I.Class Prophecy RON HOPP This is Radio Canada, CJLB, in Lethbridge. The time at the tone will be twelve o'clock, noon. On this, the first day of 1981, Tashiro Concen­trated Food Pills and Nakagama Vitamin Capsules bring you Ronald Hopp with a commentary of the highlights of the past year. January 4: Five Canadians won the Nobel Prize. The first, in science, went to Dr. James Mc- Elgunn for his atomic deflector. In Medicine, Don­ald Wells and Allan Rollingson won the prize jointly for their stimulating book on hypochondriacs, "How to be Sick and Enjoy It". The Misses Betty Lee and Lorraine Oliver were given a prize in recognition of their endeavors to achieve world peace, January 26: Project X, an experimental city under the sea, was completed. It was made pos­sible by the combined efforts of Drs. Donna Hendry and lone Grunewald, Sociologist Sally Serkin, and architect Karen Mayne. As you might guess, this city is a female haven. February 7: Trouble flared up in China. Can­ada's delegate to the U.N., Jack Smeed, suggested that General E. G. L. Springman and his emergency force be dispatched to the troubled land. February 25: Two Sourdoughs, John Tron and David Watson, stumbled on vast deposits of uran­ium south of James Bay. They escaped injury, but their burro suffered a broken leg. Meanwhile, Jennifer Sarkies and Marj Phalen staked a claim in the front yard of that well-known native of Leth­bridge, Ray Sly. Valentine Dong, Chief Judge of the Supreme Court, stated that they were within their rights. March 3: The Liberal Party selected Ed Bouw- sema to be its new leader. He replaced Jerry Bolokoski, who had joined the Conservatives. March 20: The budget was brought down. Finance Minister Culham and her assistant, Donna Kesler, were severely criticized by Defence Minister Gloeckler and Opposition Leader Dyck for the dras­tic cut in defence expenditure. April 5: Two Canadian secretaries, Virginia Lee and Lillian Karl won the Geraldine Rothe Chal­lenge Trophy for Typewriting and Stenography. Kathie Jacobson and Marilyn Lewis, winners in 1979, did not compete. April 16: Renowned meteorologists, Steve Rigo and Hiroshi Okamura, members of the Perry-Russel Institute of Science, stated that the climate is stead­ily becoming warmer. Three days later, these em­inent men left for Honolulu in the wake of an un­seasonable snowstorm. May 1: Five Canadians won Academy Awards. They were: David Melvin, best director; Shirley Rhamey and Georgina Ozar, co-authors of Martian Holiday; and Gayle Forster and Terry Peters, best lyrics. May 29: Jerry Kjeldgaard, Sandra Norlin and Laureen Kane were named the best-dressed trio in Kipp, Alberta, Canada's answer to Hollywood. June 8: A strike took place at the K. R. Mc- Kibben Air Corporation. Miss Beverley Mehew, the Vice-President, Barry Bergthorson, the General Man­ager, and J. C. Hammond, the Union Leader, hurled charge and counter-charge at each other. Suzette Jacobson, the arbitrator, stated that unless the oppos­ing parties came down to earth in their thinking, the airplanes would never leave it. June 23: Fashions shared the spotlight with automobiles when the Wellwood Fashion Company displayed the latest creations of style designers Lynne Davidson and Dixie Wilmot at an automobile show. L. P. Lee, General Manager of Higa Motors, pronounced the event an outstanding success. July 9: The Mexican Road Race ended. Al­bert Liebe and Brian Melvin, driving a car entered by Morris Motors, were the first to come to the pits in the grueling race. July 30: The week-long bull sale ended at Calgary. The fabulous price of 200,000waspaidtoBillAsplundbyDonaldHuntrepresentingtheWilliamsandEarlMeatPackingCompany.An­otherHerefordentryownedbyWillieBaliawasboughtfor200,000 was paid to Bill Asplund by Donald Hunt representing the Williams and Earl Meat Packing Company. An­other Hereford entry owned by Willie Balia was bought for 150,000 by the Macdougal Ranch. And that is still a lot of bull. August 7: The Irish Sweepstake was won by Crybaby, entered by Owen Coaker and led to the pole by Wayne Vibert. Roy Sandberg of Calgary, Bob Rothe of Halifax, and Sharon Geiger of Winni­peg also held winning tickets on this horse. August 21: Noted archaeologist Bob Leong and his party consisting of Barbara Bums, Sam Strecker and Melville Prout discovered a huge pyramid buried in Egyptian sands, Bernard Ghert, curator of the Quan Museum stated that some of the artifacts found there are priceless. (Continued on Page Nine)Your Proud HerLtage MISS SMEDLEY With the would-be immigrant "queue" growing longer every day, I sometimes feel that my year as Canadian Exchange has given me an unfair advantage over my fellow countrymen. It might even be termed a "sneak-preview", a chance of seeing what lies ahead in "God's Own Country" for those anxious to spread their wings. But I, too, went through the red tape that involved the medicals, the endless corre­spondence, and the suspence. I, too, felt a little dubious when "Immigrant-Recu" was stamped across my passport even before landing. No time for homesickness though, one is quickly caught up in the whirl of friendly Canadian life. It was remarkable how, as Quebec came into view, grins spread across the faces of the Canadian contingent present. They shed their English rheumatics as if by magic, and spoke gaily of sun, apple pie, Chryslers and Chevs. "You are bound for the land of the Bloods and the Blackfeet," the easterners said. "Look out, or you'll lose your scalp." And we secretly believed them. They had given us a dog's life coming over. Perhaps my first impressions of Canada will be my most lasting memories. There were the cars on the dockside, which made me rub my eyes in disbelief. Apart from their size, capable of making chaos of a London rush hour, somebody had taken shocking liberties with the artist's palette! I was almost prompted to return for the family fever mixture at the sight of the Kleenex trademark in every rear window. "By their tissues shall you know them." Then that remarkable train which brought me to the land of the totems and teepees. Such a feat of engineering would make any young English "train spotter" fall off a bridge in admiration. I can't quite make up my mind about the "breadbasket of the west." This doubt is probably due to the memory of a place name. With the arrival of Seven Persons, in that almost frightening expanse of prairie, came the feeling that I had made the biggest mistake of my life! But here, in the southwest corner, Lethbridge seemed like a pleasant oasis. Of course, my English system had already received somewhat of a shock on that occasion. It is not every day that one travels a distance equal to that from Land's End to John o' Groats and back sev­eral times! Then for the main reason for such a journey—the L. C. I. I think I've already learned more about Canadians within these walls than in the whole of my wanderings. That first morning in September I was swiftly initiated into a new educational system. Instead of entering a hall packed with rows of students looking like peas from a pod in their tunics, ties and blazers, quite a different sight met my eyes. In the spacious auditorium, on unfamiliar bleachers, sat a crowd of young Canadians looking almost past their scholastic years. Skillfully applied makeup replaced the "shining morning face" on one side; crew cuts and, wonder of wonders, pastel colored corduroy pants, and jackets sporting overlarge capitals, made a splendid array on the other. How envious your opposite numbers would be could they witness such gay abandon! Later my ears were opened too. I quailed inwardly when I imagined my own headmaster's face should such an organized form of applause echo beneath that faraway roof. The Cheerleaders, too, came as a shock. We spend half our lives discouraging such calls from the sideline! But, a third of a world away, and under this clear blue sky, who could frown on such exuberance? It quickly became clearly evident that much self-adjustment was necessary, and English reserve must be shelved for a year. This change for the better must have happened early. It's surprising how quickly the strange becomes familiar! The curriculum is much the same as that of English schools. In both the aim is to impart a sound and wide knowledge in preparation for the future. Sport is well in evidence. In England it is a compul­sory subject throughout, hard in some, but generally popular. Unfortunately its deprivation ranks high as a method punishment for this reason. But young people are alike the world over. There are always so many outside activities jockey­ing for space with academic work. Exams are an ever-present menace, and the bi-monthly report systemRecollections JO DOBBS Mount Royal College "They were the best days of my life!" How often we have heard this expression used by the older generation, and how often have we silently scorned the words of our elders? I can hardly be placed in a different class than the students of the Collegiate, and yet I often mourn the fact that those days are dead and gone forever. After graduation, nothing is ever quite the same. When you return to Lethbridge from college, university or work, you are anticipating gay reunions with old school friends. After the preliminary, "Gee it's good to see you," and "Whatever happened to George? Mar­ried, oh too bad," bits of conversation, you come to realize that there is nothing else to say. No one from the University of Alberta is too interested in the latest Mount Royal College fad, or why you just couldn't hold that job. Yes, everything changes. But the memories are never lost. I am sure there isn't one 1956 graduate who has forgotten the elec­tion speeches last September! At times, when exams loom ahead and dull hours of assignments seem to fill the days, you wonder if it is all worth it. After all, what is a diploma but a nicely decorated scroll from some group of educated gentlemen in Edmonton? Then in June when you begin to look for employment or seek entrance into an institution of higher learning you suddenly realize what that diploma means. If you can produce one, doors of opportunity are opened for you. You are in a "preferred class." You, the students of the Lethbridge College In­stitute are fortunate to receive your education in such a modern school and from such well-qualified, co-operative teachers. Last year we found each member of the staff ready to assist when we were experiencing difficulty. I only regret I didn't ask for more help during the term. It might have raised that B to an A. The Sadies Hawkins dance, admit slips, the solemn atmosphere of detention and the inspiring speech made by Mr. Kyle at the Graduation Banquet — yes, memories are made of it. Class Vropkecy (Continued from Page Seven) September 4: Doug Sutherland, accompanied by Gordon Domeier and Dale Peterson, went on a journey with ninety-seven birds. The birds were the whooping cranes protected by the conservation department. September 26: Dr. Pat Harris representing the Gerlock-Johnson Commission, announced that the atomic fallout is increasing at an alarming rate. She and her colleagues, Drs. Ditrich, Bauer, and Adams recommended that the Antarctic be used for further atomic tests. However, Doris Erickson and Donna Kimery, members of the Penguins Protection Society, opposed this idea. October 8: Canadian art was spotlighted in Paris with works by such well-known modern paint­ers as LaVonne Kendall, Lucie Jabs and Shiron Erickson on display. October 20: Laura Richardson of the Health Department announced that Drs. Joan Rhamey and Ann Ross, working in conjunction with Dr. Barb Pratte of the Witting Hospital, have isolated the cold germ. In the future, a special ward will be set aside for patients suffering from colds. November 4: Professor Burry Foss announced that the first successful rocket ship should be per­fected late in 1982. Although his five other attempts ended in failure, he feels quite confident that number six will be the one. He has been work

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