Southern Collegiate Leadership Conference Program 2018


This year the Southern Collegiate Leadership Conference celebrates its 13th annual conference on October 20, 2018 with the theme “Leading Through Controversy”. The Southern Collegiate Leadership Conference, supported by Subway, is held annually to help students improve their leadership skills by investigating leadership from a variety of perspectives. Come engage in leadership development opportunities with hundreds of college students from throughout the southeast to be better prepared to lead and shape the future. Leadership KeynotesDr. Julian Hayter is an Associate Professor of Leadership Studies with the Jepson School of Leadership at the University of Richmond. He is a historian by training whose research focuses on modern U.S. history, American political development, African American history, and the American civil rights movement. He is the author of The Dream is Lost: Voting Rights and the Politics of Race in Richmond, Virginia. He is a contributor to national and local media outlets and has recently been featured on CBS’ 60 minutes. His keynote address, Reimagining Leadership: Civility, Civil Discourse, and College Campuses, will allow you to explore how you might lead amidst controversy. Richard Hight is an award winning, international presenter, entrepreneur, a fine artist and the author of Chasing Light – Seeing The Invisible So You Can Do The Impossible. Richard’s paintings hang in over 50 universities, as well as corporate and influential collections. He has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox Networks. He has presented to Fortune 500 companies, military bases, educational conferences, and national sporting events.Southern Express Leadership Escape Gam

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Last time updated on 30/10/2019

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