Analysis of the BK7 drilling process


Pri vrtanju stekla je nastanek okruškov na vhodu, predvsem pa na izhodu orodja, iz obdelovanca ključen problem. Z optimiranjem obdelovalnih parametrov vrtanja, je to krušenje možno zmanjšati na zadovoljivo majhno vrednost. Določanje optimalnih obdelovalnih parametrov tako v tej raziskavi, kot na splošno poteka eksperimentalno na osnovi poskusov, saj jih z računanjem ni mogoče določiti. Za čimprejšnje zadovoljive rezultate je pomembno dobro pregledati obstoječo literaturo in s tem pridobiti čim več znanja o obravnavani temi. Ugotovili smo parametre obdelave, pri katerih je velikost okruškov ustrezala zahtevam raziskave in da ima veliko vlogo pri krušenju ter lomu stekla tudi način vpetja obdelovanca.With glass drilling, chip appearance at the entrance and even more so at the exit of the drill determines the quality of work. It is possible to reduce chipping to the satisfying level with the optimization of the machining parameters. Due to inability of arithmetic determination, choosing the optimal machining parameters is in this research and in general an experimental process based on tests. It is important to research existing literature about the discussed theme in order to get the satisfying experimental results as soon as possible. We chose the machining parameters at which the chipping meets the research requirements and found, that holding the workpiece plays a big role in chipping and fracking of the glass

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Repository of the University of Ljubljana

Last time updated on 29/10/2019

This paper was published in Repository of the University of Ljubljana.

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