How can parents of children birth to kindergarten use read-alouds as a way to help their children be better prepared for school?


The number of children coming to school not prepared to learn, specifically in the area of reading, seems to be increasing. During this capstone process, I wanted to find out: what information parents need to know about why reading aloud is important, strategies that parents can use while reading aloud, why parents are so crucial in the read-aloud process, concerns that parents have about reading aloud. My action research consisted of two surveys that went out to two sets of parents. I found that while there are many parents who don\u27t have the information necessary for preparing their child for school and learning to read, there are also many parents who are reading to their children on a regular basis

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Hamline University: DigitalCommons@Hamline

Last time updated on 17/10/2019

This paper was published in Hamline University: DigitalCommons@Hamline.

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