Approved Mental Health Professionals: A Jack of all Trades? Hybrid Professional Roles within a Mental Health Occupation


This article presents findings from the Hybrid Identities Project (HIP) that investigated the professional role and identities of ten multi-professional Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) from social work, mental health nursing and occupational therapy backgrounds as hybrid professionals. Hybrid professionals are professionals of a mixed origin who work across several roles and areas of expertise within public services. AMHPs have a legal role within the Mental Health Act 1983 (2007) in England and Wales to plan the assessment of individuals who require care and treatment for a mental disorder. An intrinsic case study approach was undertaken with data generated through semi-structured interviews that examined professional hybridisation, illustrated through AMHPs’ enactment of eight hybrid roles. The article contributes to empirical understandings of AMHP professional practice through advancing ideas about role hybridisation within a previously under-researched mental health occupation

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E-space: Manchester Metropolitan University's Research Repository

Last time updated on 16/09/2019

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