Aspects of nurse job satisfaction


Istraživanja zadovoljstva poslom usmjerena su na čimbenike koji ga uvjetuju i na posljedice koje ono izaziva. Iako postoje različita tumačenja specifičnih aspekata i dimenzija, zadovoljstvo poslom je višedimenzionalni konstrukt, definiran kao ukupan zbroj zadovoljstva pojedinim aspektima posla. Sukladno tome, postoje mnogobrojni faktori koji utječu na zadovoljstvo poslom te djeluju interaktivno i mijenjaju se ovisno o pojedincu, radnoj situaciji, karakteristikama organizacije, nadređenima i slično. Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati zadovoljstvo poslom medicinskih sestara i tehničara te analizirati aspekte zadovoljstva poslom u odnosu na radno mjesto ispitanika. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku 66 medicinskih sestara u Ustanovi za zdravstvenu njegu u kući Lekić i Domu socijalne skrbi za starije i nemoćne osobe Varaždin. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja konstruiran je upitnik od ukupno 20 pitanja/tvrdnji od čega su 3 pitanja otvorenog tipa (dob, spol i godine radnog staža), a 17 zatvorenog tipa. Polazi se od opće hipoteze da postoji značajna razlika među skupinama ispitanika zaposlenih u djelatnosti zdravstvene njege u kući i jedinici za smještaj starih i nemoćnih u odnosu na procjenu zadovoljstva poslom. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da su medicinske sestre sveukupno su zadovoljne poslom. Utvrđene su statistički (p<,05) značajne razlike u dobi i radnom stažu ispitanika, procjenjivanju uvjeta rada i u odnosu na povezanost suradnje s kolegama i zadovoljstva poslom. Bez obzira na zahtjevnost i kompleksnost posla medicinskih sestara one su uglavnom zadovoljne svojim poslom, a utvrđeno je da postoje razlike među ispitivanim skupinama u području procjene i u percepciji trenutnih radnih uvjeta te utjecaja razine suradnje s kolegama na zadovoljstvo poslom.Job satisfaction researches are directed toward variables which determine it and it's consequences. Although there are available various interpretations of specific aspects and dimensions; job satisfaction is a multidimensional construct defined as the total sum of satisfaction with certain aspects of a job. Consistently, there are multiple factors which have a direct influence on job satisfaction; they also work interactively and change depending on the individual, working situation, the organization's characteristics, the superiors and similar. The goal of this research is to examine the job satisfaction of nurses and techincians; and to analyze the aspects of job satisfaction in relation to the respondents' workplace. The research has been conducted on a sample of 66 nurses in Lekić Home Care Institution and in the Social Welfare Home for elderly and disabled people in Varaždin. A questionnaire of 20 questions (out of which 3 were open-type questions – age, gender and years of service; and 17 were close – type questions) was constructed for the purpose of this research. It starts from a general hypothesis that there is a significant difference among the groups of repondents employed in health care activities in a home and in the units of accommodation for elderly and disabled people, compared to the job satisfaction assessment. The obtained results show that nurses are generally satisfied with their job. Statistically (p<,05) significant differences have been established in the age and the years of service of the respondents, the assessment of the working conditions and in the correlation of cooperation with colleagues and job satisfaction. Regardless of the high demands and complexity of the nurses' job; they are mostly satisfied with their job; and it has been established that there exist differences between the groups of respondents in the area of assessment and in the perception of current working conditions; as well as the influence of level of cooperation with colleagues on job satisfaction

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