Differences in the quantitative traits value assessment due to number of individual measurements


Visina biljke i duljina klasa pšenice kvantitativna su svojstva određena utjecajem minor gena i okoline. Varijabilnost kvantitativnih svojstava omogućuje njihovo grupiranje i grafičko prikazivanje te izračun raznih statističkih parametara. O varijabilnosti određenog svojstva ovisi i potrebna veličina uzorka koji ga može pravilno reprezentirati. Cilj rada je bio utvrditi razlike i distribuciju između različitog broja pojedinačnih mjerenja visine i duljine klasa pšenice. Nakon provedenih mjerenja i obrade podataka zaključeno je da je prilikom procjene vrijednosti visine biljke pšenice potrebno provesti više pojedinačnih mjerenja. Za procjenu vrijednosti duljine klasa pšenice potrebno je provesti manje pojedinačnih mjerenja.Plant height and ear length of wheat are quantitative characteristics defined by effect of minor genes and environment. Quantitative characteristics variability enables sorting and demonstrating them and calculating various statistic parameters. Depending on characteristics variability depends sample size necessity that can properly represent it. The point of this Thesis is to determine differences and distribution between distinctive number of individual measurements of plant height and ear length. After conducted measurements and data processing it is concluded that while assessing the height of the wheat plant it is necessary to conduct more individual measurements. While assessing the ear length it is necessary to conduct fewer individual measurements

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This paper was published in Croatian Digital Thesis Repository.

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