Children's musical activities in Ždala


Tradicija i običaji neke zajednice njeguju se i prenose sljedećim naraštajima kao dragocjeno blago. Folklorni ples i glazba važan su dio kulture svakog naroda.Već u predškolskoj dobi djecu treba uputiti u važnost očuvanja običaja njihovih predaka. Prenošenjem tradicije s koljena na koljeno, mladi naraštaji mogu spoznati kako se prije živjelo, odnosno koliki su značaj nekada imali glazba i ples.Na području Podravine, svako društveno okupljanje bilo je popraćeno kolom i pjesmom. Tema ovog rada prenošenje je glazbene tradicije na mađarskom jeziku djeci predškolske dobi, u odgojno-obrazovnoj ustanovi. U radu je prikazana zastupljenost tradicijske glazbe u važećem planu i programu za djecu predškolskog odgoja.Osim tradicijske glazbe, prikazana je i zastupljenost sljedećih glazbenih aktivnosti: pjevanja, igara s pokretom, plesa po osmišljenoj koreografiji, različitih ritmičkih igara, aktivnog slušanja glazbe, sudjelovanja u glazbenoj priči i upoznavanja instrumenata.Tradition and customs of a community are nurtured and transmitted to the following generations as a valuable treasure. Folk dance and music are an important part of the culture of each nation.From pre-school age, children should be introduced to the importance of preserving the traditions of their ancestors. By transferring traditions from generation to generation, the younger generations can learn how people used to live and how important were music and dancing to them.In the area of Podravina, every social gathering was accompanied by dancing kolo and singing. The subject of this paper is transmission of musical tradition in Hungarian language to pre-school children in educational institution. The paper reviews the presence of traditional music in the current curriculum for preschool education.Apart from traditional music, this paper also presents the presence of the following musical activities: singing, games with movement, dance after thought-out choreography, different rhythmic games, active music listening, participating in musical story and introduction of instruments

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