Continuing theatrical performance "The Six Characters Seek The Author"


Kazališni redatelj Oliver Frljić režirao je u kazalištu Kerempuh dramu “Šest likova traži autora” Luigija Pirandella. O kazališnoj režiji i nastanku kazališne predstave najčešće saznajemo iz intervjua i kritika predstave. Ovaj rad zabilježio je cjelokupan proces nastanka kazališne predstave “Šest likova traži autora”, od čitaćih proba do premijere. Rad poseban naglasak stavlja na kazališnu režiju, način rada s glumcima, na tekstu i s autorskim timom. Rad je nastao na temelju dnevnih bilješki vođenih tijekom dva mjeseca rada na predstavi.Theatre director Oliver Frljić has staged Luigi Pirandello’s drama “Six Characters in Search of an Author” in Kerempuh theatre in Zagreb. About theatre directing and making of a theatre play we mostly find out from interviews and reviews. This thesis records the whole process of making the play “Six Characters in Search of an Author”, from the read-through to the opening night. Focus of the thesis is on theatre directing, director’s work with actors, on play and with the production team. It is a result of regularly written notes during the two months of the production time

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This paper was published in University of Zagreb Repository.

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