Alternative and complementary therapies in children with chronic diseases


Uvod: Pedijatrijski reumatološki bolesnici često koriste komplementarne i alternativne metode (KAM). Unatoč tome, još uvijek se ne zna dovoljno o njihovim koristima i štetnostima. ----- Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi učestalost i osobitosti uporabe KAM-a u djece s kroničnim reumatološkim bolestima u KBC Sestre milosrdnice, Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska. ----- Ispitanici i metode: Provedeno je presječno istraživanje putem upitnika na roditeljima djece oboljele od kroničnih bolesti u sklopu dogovorenih liječničkih kontrolnih pregleda. ----- Rezultati: 63 roditelja (63%) su koristili najmanje jednu vrstu KAM-a u liječenju kronične bolesti svoje djece. Najčešće upotrijebljeni KAM-ovi su bile tvari biljnog porijekla (30,49%) i ortomolekularna terapija (25%). Primijećeno je da roditelji često koriste više skupina KAM-a. 4 ispitanika (6%) primijetili su nuspojave vezane za korištenje KAM-a. 43 ispitanika (68,25%) nisu obavijestili liječnika o korištenju KAM-a. Ova studija je pokazala da su jači simptomi bolesti povezani s češćim korištenjem KAM-a (p<0,05). ----- Zaključak: Veliki udio pedijatrijskih reumatoloških bolesnika u KBC Sestre milosrdnice koristi komplementarne i alternativne metode (KAM). Većina roditelja ne obavještava liječnika o njihovom korištenju.Introduction: Complementary and alternative methods (CAM) are commonly used by pediatric rheumatology patients. Nonetheless, their advantages and disadvantages still remain unclear. ----- Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and patterns of CAM use in children with rheumatic chronic diseases at The University Hospital Center “Sestre milosrdnice”, Zagreb, Croatia. ----- Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted with parents of children with chronic diseases during routine pediatric rheumatology clinic visits. ----- Results: Sixty-three parents (63%) had used at least one CAM in management of the child’s chronic disease. The most commonly used CAM included herbal remedies (30.49%) and orthomolecular therapies (25%). It was observed that combinations of therapies were used too. Only four CAM users (6%) reported any side effects. Forty-three (68.25%) did not mention CAM use to their doctors. Stronger symptoms were associated with CAM use (p<0.05). ----- Conclusion: A large proportion of pediatric rheumatology patients in UHC “Sestre milosrdnice” are using complementary and alternative methods (CAM). Most respondents are still not discussing their CAM use with pediatric rheumatology specialist

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This paper was published in University of Zagreb Repository.

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