
Mlađi članovi mogu utjecati na samo poslovanje poljoprivrednog gospodarstva te mu dati veću dimenziju i staviti ga u superiorniji položaj u odnosu na konkurenciju. Stariji članovi gospodarstva teže prate promjene koje se događaju oko poljoprivrede i teže prihvaćaju nove ideje i mogućnosti. Utvrđeno je da 60% anketiranih gospodarstava radi izvan poljoprivrede i ne smatra poljoprivrednu proizvodnju primanim izvorom prihoda. Najzastupljenije kulture su pšenica, uljana repica, kukuruz i soja. Poljoprivredni objekti stari su od 7 do 40 godina. Oprema i mehanizacija je starija od 20 godina, te upitna je njihova učinkovitost. Tek 47% anketiranih gospodarstava vode samostalno evidenciju o troškovima i prihodima koje gospodarstvo ostvaruje dok 53% ih koriste računovodstvene usluge kod vođenja financijskih knjiga. Poljoprivrednici imaju želju za korištenjem usluga koje bi im pomogle u poslovanju, a njih 60% smatra da im je potrebna stručna pomoć oko upravljanja.Younger members can affect agricultural farms, give it a greater dimension and put it in a superior position compared to the competition. It is harder for older members of the agricultural economy to get used to all sort of changes in agriculture and to accept new ideas and possibilities. Based on surveys it was discovered that 60% of the surveyed were not producers for agricultural production and that they did not consider it as a primary source of income. The most common crops are wheat, canola, corn and soybeans. Agricultural buildings are approximately 7-40 years old while the equipment and machinery is older than 20 years, and their effectiveness is questioned. Only 47% of the surveyed economies have independent records of costs and revenues that the economy achieved while 53% of them use accounting services for keeping financial books. Farmers are willing to use services which would help them in business, and 60% of them think that they need professional help with management

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Repository of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Last time updated on 07/05/2019

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