Low Velocity Impact and Compression After Impact (CAI) Behavior of Natural Fibers based Sandwich Composite Panels


The present work focuses on the study of the Compression after impact behaviour of sandwich panels made of Posidonia core and aluminium skins. The work also examines the influence of the Posidonia compaction on the impact and compression behaviour. Aim of the research is the development of a natural core made of Posidonia dries leafs for aerospace sandwich panels. The investigated reinforced composite structure consists of a flat compacted Posidonia panel reinforced with aluminium sheets, this material system is able to combine the good structural behaviour of aluminium skin to the fire resistant and thermo-acoustical insulation properties of Posidonia dries leafs. The mechanical behaviour of this sandwich panels has been studied by means of experimental impact and Compression after impact (CAI) tests which allowed to evaluate the residual strength characteristics of the investigated panels. The performed experimental activity allowed to preliminary assess the dependence of the panels residual strength after impact on the Posidonia core density

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Archivio Istituzionale della Ricerca - Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"

Last time updated on 07/05/2019

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