Intangible heritage and tradition - components of Croatian cultural identity


Ovim se radom nastojala prikazati važnost nematerijalne baštine u stvaranju i očuvanju kulturnoga identiteta hrvatskog naroda. Taj identitet spoj je prošlosti i sadašnjosti, tradicije i suvremenosti; čuvajući ga čuvamo ono što jesmo i ono što želimo ostaviti budućim generacijama. Nematerijalna je baština vrijednost kojoj se do nedavno nije posvećivalo dovoljno pažnje, no uvidjevši to započele su se provoditi mjere njezine pravovremene zaštite, kao i razvijanje svijesti o važnosti njezina daljnjeg prenošenja. Za njezino je očuvanje neophodna suradnja lokalnog stanovništva i zajednice sa stručnjacima, kulturnim ustanovama i organizacijama. Da se o njezinoj zaštiti počela voditi briga dokazuje i popis hrvatskih kulturnih dobara na UNESCO-vim listama koji se iz godine u godinu povećava te je tako na Listi zaštićenih nematerijalnih kulturnih dobara Republike Hrvatske trenutno 156 dobara, od kojih je trinaest uvršteno na Reprezentativnu listu nematerijalne kulturne baštine.This paper sought to demonstrate the importance of intangible heritage in the creation and preservation of the cultural identity of Croatian nation. That identity is a blend of past and present, tradition and contemporaneity; by preserving it we preserve what we are and what we want to pass on to future generations. Intangible heritage is a value that hadn’t, until recently, received enough attention. But, after recognising it, the measures of its timely protection have been implemented, as well as raising the awareness of the importance of its further transfer. In order to preserve it, it is necessary to set up a collaboration of local population and community with experts, cultural institutions and organisations. That its preservation has begun to be taken care of is evident on the UNESCO list of Croatia’s cultural assets, which grows year by year. The List of protected intangible cultural heritage of Croatia is currently composed of 156 cultural goods, thirteen of which are inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

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Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Digital Repository

Last time updated on 07/05/2019

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