The effectiveness of biodynamic methods in horticulture


Holistički pristup psiho-fizičko-duhovnom ustrojstvu čovjeka prisutan u antropozofskim idejama Rudolfa Steinera rezultirao je sredinom 20. st. novim pristupom različitim sferama života te se manifestirao kroz Waldorfsku pedagogiju, euritmiku, antropozofsku medicinu i biodinamičku poljoprivredu. Pored principa ekološke poljoprivrede, biodinamičko gospodarenje uključuje i određene svojstvene metode kao što su upotreba biodinamičkih pripravaka i sjetvenog kalendara. Sjetveni kalendar prati konstelacije zviježđa i projicira ih na obavljanje svih radnji na gospodarstvu, a posebni pripravci namijenjeni za vitaliziranje tla i pripremu komposta funkcioniraju po principima homeopatije. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je procijeniti efikasnost biodinamičkog uzgoja biljaka u usporedbi s ekološkim i konven-cionalnim sustavom poljoprivredne proizvodnje s gledišta plodnosti tla, karakteristika usjeva i ekonomske isplativosti, s naglaskom na hortikulturne usjeve. U radu su prikazana dosadašnja istraživanja vezana uz biodinamičku metodu uzgoja te anketa provedena na dva hrvatska poljoprivredna gospodarstva koja su uključena u biodinamički sustav poljoprivredne proizvodnje.The holistic approach to the psycho-physical-spiritual constitution of man presented in anthroposophical ideas by Rudolf Steiner, resulted in the mid-20th century with a new approach to different aspects of life which have been manifested through Waldorf pedagogy, euristics, anthroposophical medicine and biodynamic agriculture. In addition to the principles of organic agriculture, biodynamic farming includes certain methods such as the use of biodynamic preparations and sowing calendar. The sowing calendar monitors constellations of stars and projects them to all activities on the farm, and special preparations designed for vitalization of crops, soil and compost work according to the principles of homeopathy. The aim of this graduate thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness of biodynamic crop cultivation compared to the organic and conventional agricultural production systems from the point of view of soil fertility, crop characteristics and economic viability with emphasis on horticultural crops. As well, this paper presents the current researches on biodynamic methods, and a poll of two Croatian biodynamic farms

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Repository Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb

Last time updated on 07/05/2019

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