Qualitative assessment of wiki-based learning processes


Wikis are common systems to support collaborative learning experiences. When the number of students and the amount of information stored in a wiki system increases, assessing each student’s work is difficult. Wikis keep a registry with differences between consecutive revisions of wiki articles that can be used for learning assessment. This information can be computed over the wiki lifetime in order to obtain quantitative evidence of students' activity. It can also be used to compile students’ assessments from their contributions, under the hypothesis that students’ own assessment support measuring as well as improve their critical abilities. We describe our experience in a course using AssessMediaWiki, an open-source web application that, connected to a MediaWiki installation, supports for hetero, self and peer to peer assessment procedures, whilst keeps track of compiled assessment data. Thus supervisors can obtain reports to help assessing students.This work has been funded by the PAIDI programme of the Andalusian Government, ASCETA project (P09-TIC-5230); Proyectos de Innovación y Mejora Docente programme of the University of Cádiz (co-founded by the Andalusian Government), "La Heteroevaluación como Apoyo a la Sostenibilidad en Evaluaciones Complejas de Trabajos Colaborativos en Wikis" project (PI2_12_029); And has applied for grants to University of Cadiz programs for Researching and Innovation

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Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Alicante

Last time updated on 21/02/2014

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