Lessons from the C.H.E.S.T. study


The debate on the safety and efficacy of hydroxyethyl starch (HES) for fluid resuscitation is still open. Moreover and adverse effects of HES on survival and renal function have been reported. The lecture is focused on the results of the recent C.H.E.S.T. trial that compared Hydroxyethyl Starch and Saline for Fluid Resuscitation in Intensive Care (published on the NEJM). The authors concluded that "In patients in the ICU, there was no significant difference in 90-day mortality between patients resuscitated with 6% HES (130/0.4) or saline. However, more patients who received resuscitation with HES were treated with renal-replacement therapy.

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AIR Universita degli studi di Milano

Last time updated on 06/03/2019

This paper was published in AIR Universita degli studi di Milano.

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