The proteomics of cancer stem cells. Potential clinical applications for innovative research in oncology


Cancer stem cells (CSCs) or tumour-maintaining cells are becoming an important new reality in oncology. The intriguing molecular pathophysiology of CSCs may justify some of the obscure pathogenetic, diagnostic, prognostic, and above all, therapeutic aspects of cancer and, eventually, lead to new solutions in oncology. CSC is a cell within the tumour that possesses the capacity to self-renew and, in doing so, gives rise to the heterogeneous lineages that comprise the tumour. The precise identification of this peculiar subpopulation of cancer cells, which has some intriguing similarities to normal stem cells, is becoming an important and urgent topic in oncology. In fact, some debated CSC markers have been already adopted by pharmacological research as targets of new and/or old anticancer drugs, showing an intriguing therapeutic index. These discussed identification markers include cell surface proteins, different activated signalling pathways, several molecules of the stem cell niche, various drug resistance mechanisms (ABCG2 and ALDH), telomerase, oncogenes and oncosuppressors (p16INK4 - Rb) and lastly, various microRNAs. In this new promising area of cancer research, proteomics, in general, and oncoproteomics, in particular, can and must play a significant role if the methodological approaches and the experimental protocols are correctly designed and interpreted

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Last time updated on 01/10/2013

This paper was published in PubliCatt.

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