Democratic Confederalism: Local Autonomy of Kurdish People


Ovaj rad problematizira ideju demokratskog konfederalizma i način na koji se primjenjuje u Demokratskoj Federaciji Sjeverne Sirije (poznate i kao Rožava). U okolnostima Sirijskog građanskog rata, osvajanja od Islamske države i turske netrepeljivosti, kurdsko stanovništvo sjeverne Sirije uspostavilo je de facto autonomne regije s vlastitim obrambenim vojnim jednicama. Djela američkog političkog filozofa Murraya Bookchina i vođe Kurdistanske radničke stranke Abdullaha Öcalana, poslužila su kao temelj za radikalno demokratsku praksu Rožave, ali i kao moguće rješenje kurdskog pitanja na području turbulentnog Bliskog Istoka. Demokratski konfederalizam podrazumijeva ukidanje hijerarhije, žensku emancipaciju, kooperativnu ekonomiju te izravnu demokraciju zbog čega je vrlo važno građansko obrazovanje. Zaključuje se da se politike demokratskog konfederalizma u praksi primjenjuju postepeno, educiranjem i sudjelovanjem svih Kurda i ostalih manjina Rožave u političkim odlukama, počevši od najmanje razine - komune, pa do kantonalnih razina. Rješavanje problema autoritarnosti, kulta ličnosti i ekonomske (ne)održivosti utjecat će na budućnost ovog radikalno-demokratskog projekta.This paper discusses the idea of democratic confederalism and the way it is applied to the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (also known as Rojava). In the circumstances of the Syrian Civil War, the conquest of the Islamic State and Turkish intolerance, the Kurdish population of northern Syria established a de facto autonomous region with its own defensive military units. Writings of American political philosopher Murray Bookchin and leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party Abdullah Öcalan served as the basis for a radically democratic practice of Rojava, but also as a possible solution to the Kurdish issue in the turbulent Middle East. Democratic confederalism implies the abolition of hierarchy, female emancipation, a cooperative economy, and direct democracy, which is why civil education is very important. It is concluded that the policies of democratic confederalism are gradually applied in practice by education and participation of all Kurds and other minorities of Rojava in political decisions, starting from the lowest level of the commune to the cantonal level. Solving the problems of authoritarianism, personality cult, and economic (non)sustainability will affect the future of this radical-democratic project

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Last time updated on 07/01/2019

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