DNA staining method based on formazan precipitation induced by blue light exposure


DNA staining methods are very important for biomedical research. We designed a simple method that allows DNA visualization to the naked eye by the formation of a colored precipitate. It works by soaking the acrylamide or agarose DNA gel in a solution of 1x (equivalent to 2.0 mu M) SYBR Green I (SG I) and 0.20 mM nitro blue tetrazolium that produces a purple precipitate of formazan when exposed to sunlight or specifically blue light. Also, DNA recovery tests were performed using an ampicillin resistant plasmid in an agarose gel stained with our method. A larger number of colonies was obtained with our method than with traditional staining using SG I with ultraviolet illumination. The described method is fast, specific, and non-toxic for DNA detection, allowing visualization of biomolecules to the "naked eye" without a transilluminator, and is inexpensive and appropriate for field use. For these reasons, our new DNA staining method has potential benefits to both research and industry.Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Cientifico y Tecnologico (Fondecyt), Chile 11130263 Project CONICYT + NERC + Programa de Colaboracion Internacional PCI-PII20150073 U-inicia from the Vicerrectoria de Investigacion Universidad de Chil

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Repositorio Académico de la Universidad de Chile

Last time updated on 14/08/2018

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