Morphological characterization of fruit, seed and seedling, and seed germination test of Campomanesia guazumifolia


<div><p>Abstract: Campomanesia guazumifolia (Cambess.) O. Berg. is a native fruit species, with ecological importance and potential to be exploited by food and medical industries. There is a lack of studies enabling its on-site conservation and propagation for commercial purposes. The objective of this work was to morphologically characterize the fruit, seed and seedling development stage of this species, as well as to determine an efficient protocol for the germination test, aiming at the commercial production of seedlings. Different temperatures (20, 25, 30 and 20-30 °C), substrates (blotting paper, sand and vermiculite) and light regimes (presence and absence) were tested in order to evaluate the germination power of seeds. Fruits are bacoid, rounded, with a fleshy pericarp and hairy surface, and with an intense yellow coloration. Seeds have a reniform shape and a lateral recess, with a membranous, brown and verrucose-glanulose tegument. It has a crass embryo, with a well developed hypocotyl-radicle axis and vestigial cotyledons. Seedlings are epigeal and phanerocotylar. It is recommended to conduct the germination test for the species with temperatures of 25 or 30 ºC, on paper substrates, with light presence or absence, and with the first test count performed 23 days and the final count 50 days after sowing.</p></div

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Last time updated on 13/08/2018

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