Reference intervals of aortic pulse wave velocity assessed with an oscillometric device in healthy children and adolescents from Argentina


<p>Age-related reference intervals (RIs) of aortic pulse wave velocity (Ao-PWV) obtained from a large healthy population are lacking in South America. The aims of this study were to determine Ao-PWV RIs in a cohort of healthy children and adolescents from Argentina and to generate year-to-year percentile curves.</p> <p>Ao-PWV was measured in 1000 healthy subjects non-exposed to traditional cardiovascular risk factors (Age: 10–22 y. o., 56% males). First, we evaluated if RIs for males and females were necessaries (correlation and covariate analysis). Second, mean (M) and standard deviation (SD) age-related equations were obtained for cf-PWV, using parametric regression methods based on fractional polynomials. Third, age-specific (year to year) percentiles curves (for all, males and females children and adolescents) were generated using the standard normal distribution. They were, age-specific 1st, 2.5th, 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, 95th, 97.5th and 99th percentile curves and values.</p> <p>After covariate analysis (i.e., adjusting by age, jugulum-symphysis distance, body weight and height), specific RIs for males and females of children and adolescents were evidenced as necessaries. The equations were</p> <p>For all subjects:</p> <p>Ao-PWV_Mean = 4.98 + 12.86x10<sup>−5</sup> Age<sup>3</sup>.</p> <p>Ao-PWV_SD = 0.47 + 21.00x10<sup>−6</sup>Age<sup>3</sup>.</p> <p>For girls:</p> <p>Ao-PWV_Mean = 5.07 + 10.23x10<sup>−5</sup>Age<sup>3</sup>.</p> <p>Ao-PWV_SD = 0.50 + 10.00x10<sup>−6</sup>Age<sup>3</sup>.</p> <p>For boys:</p> <p>Ao-PWV_Mean = 4.87 + 15.81x10<sup>−5</sup>Age<sup>3</sup>.</p> <p>Ao-PWV_SD = 0.46 + 22.34x10<sup>−6</sup>Age<sup>3</sup>.</p> <p>Our study provides the largest database to-date concerning Ao-PWV in healthy children and adolescents in Argentina. Age-related equations (M and SD values) for Ao-PWV are reported by the first time. Specific RIs and percentiles of Ao-PWV are now available according to age and sex for an Argentinian population.</p

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Last time updated on 13/08/2018

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