Kualitas Laboratorium sebagai Penunjang Praktikum Biologi di SMA N 1 Polanharjo Klaten Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018


This research intended to find out quality of laboratory as a support to the practice Biology in 1 Polanharjo Klaten’Senior High School year 2017/2018. Type of this research is qualitative descriptive and uses three methods of data collection techniques by observation, documentation, and interview with the teacher of Biology lesson. Those data analyzed by descriptive analyzed. Parameters of this research is (1) Laboratory of Biology (2) Furniture facilities at laboratory of Biology; (3) Educational equipment (props and tools & materials the experiment); (4) Media equipment; (5) Chemical consumables; dan (6) Other supplies. Result indicated that quality of laboratory as a support to the practicum Biology in senior high school 1 Polanharjo Klaten year 2017/2018 have a good category with a percentage of the value of 66,5% based on Permendiknas Number 24 year 2007. This because there are Furniture facilities at laboratory of Biology, Educational equipment, Chemical consumables and other supplies that has not fulfilled the standard number of biological laboratory facilities and infrastructures that have been determined by Permendiknas Number 24 year 2007

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Last time updated on 11/08/2018

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