Particular latin school near the church of St. James in Kutna Hora in the 16th century


The theme of my work is particular latin school in Kutna Hora, which is situated near the church of St. James. The earliest mention about Kutna Hora school dates back to the 14th century. During the Hussite wars, there were two fires in the town (1422 and 1424), probably fires hit also the school. The school fell into disrepair for many years. Big construction works at the school took place at the end of 16th century. Benefactors helped a lot with funds, especially one of the richest Kutna Hora businessman, Zikmund Kozel. In the years between 1594 and 1595, the new Renaissance building was built. Charming Renaissance elements can still be seen, for example, on the marble portal from Prague stonemason. Amazing source of this event is a construction diary, which shows the construction of Kutna Hora school, we can find it in the archive of Kutna Hora. Additionally, the constructional historical research is also available. Keywords Particular latin school, The Church of St James, 16. century, Kutna Hora, Renaissance, Renaissance in Bohemia, Architecture, Construction diary, Zikmund Kozel, Renaissance portal, Czech country, Archdeaner

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Last time updated on 03/08/2018

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