Pengaruh Dana Alokasi Umum (Dau), Pendapatan Asli Daerah (Pad), Sisa Lebih Pembiayaan Anggaran (Silpa), Dan Luas Wilayah Terhadap Belanja Modal Pada Kabupaten/Kota Di Jawa Timur Periode 2012-2015


This research aims to study aims to 1) analyse the influence of the General Allocation funds against the city government capital expenditure allocation in East Java 2012-2015 period. 2) analyse the influence of the original income areas towards capital expenditure in East Java Regency period 2012-2015. 3) analyze the effect of residual budget financing more towards capital expenditure in East Java Regency period 2012-2015. 4) Analyzing the influence of the area against capital expenditure in East Java Regency period 2012-2015. This research was wearing logging time series from the years 2012-2015. Variables that will be observed is the general allocation Fund (DAU), Original Regional Revenue (PAD), the rest of the More Budget Financing (SiLPA), Area (LW), capital expenditures (BM) a local government district in East Java the year 2012-2015 on the website http:// Linear Regression analysis techniques Multiple logging (OLS). The research results obtained: 1 General allocation Fund) effect significantly to capital expenditures Regency in East Java province year 2012-2015 (352.040 > 1.980 and 0.000 -1.980, and 0.008 1.980 and 0.007 0.05)

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Last time updated on 28/07/2018

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