Users’ Reactions Captured by Means of an EEG Headset on Viewing the Presentation of Sustainable Designs Using Verbal Narrative


The aim of this paper is to determine whether consu mers accept new arguments for choosing a product that adapts to future needs. It is also seeks to investigate whether the design of products and their ensuing advertising an d promotion through a sustainable approach by means of verbal narrative ads can gener ate a more positive emotional response in the future users of the product than wi th the application of visual narrative ads. To this end, an experiment was conducted consisting in consumers, with and without experience with the product, watching a promotional video based on verbal narrative, created using the new usage scenarios approach, in which the advantages of a sustainable product are shown. The neuronal respons e of the possible users was then measured by means of the EEG headset. In order to b e able to establish a comparison, the same response was also measured in the same con sumers when they viewed a commercial video based on visual narrative about a product with similar characteristics. The results show, among other conclusions, that vie wing the verbal narrative ad first triggers higher emotional values of excitement, bot h in the short and the long term, as well as frustration. It is also observed that havin g no experience with the product causes higher meditation values. This can be useful to enterprises both in order to design their products in such a way as to orientate them towards consumer concerns, and to design advertisements in such a way as to link consumers emotionally with the produ ct

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Repositori Institucional de la Universitat Jaume I

Last time updated on 10/07/2018

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