
ABSTRACT MUHAMAD IRFAN. 8105112284. The Effect of Compensation And Organizational Climate Influence On Job Satisfaction Of Employees PT Lembah Bambu In Bogor. Script, Jakarta: Study Program of Economic Education, Consentration of Office Administration, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. 2015. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of compensation and organizational climate on job satisfaction of employees in PT. Lembah Bambu This research was conducted for three months starting in April 2015 until June 2015. The method used was survey method with approach of causality. The population in this study were all employees at PT Lembah Bambu. Population inaccessibility are permanent employees of PT Lembah Bambu totaling 99 employees. The sampling technique used is proportional random technique, so that the sample in this study amounted to 78 respondents. Data collection techniques using the technique of recording documents, interviews and questionnaires. To collect data of job satisfaction (Y), compensation (X1) and organizational climate (X2) obtained by giving questionnaires to respondents. Data analysis technique used is the test requirements analysis consisting of test for normality and linearity test, test assumptions classic, multiple linear regression, hypothesis testing consisting of F test and t test. Based on the results of data analysis can be seen that there is a partial effect between compensation and job satisfaction. Can be seen from the results of data analysis showed tcount at 5.045> ttable value of 1.668. Organizational climate partial effect on job satisfaction, it is seen from the results of data analysis showed tcount 3,874> ttable value of 1.668. Compensation and simultaneous organizational climate influence on job satisfaction, it is seen from the results of data analysis showed Fhitung value of 26.242> Ftabel value of 3,12. Regression equations obtained is . Based on the test determination coefficient obtained R2 values of 0.412, which means compensation (X1) and organizational climate (Y) effect on job satisfaction (Y) of 41.2%

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