Proceedings of the "Think Tank Hackathon'', Big Data Training School for Life Sciences Follow-up, Ljubljana 6th - 7th February 2018


On 6th and 7th February 2018 a Think Tank took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It was a follow-up of the “Big Data Training School for Life Sciences” in Uppsala, Sweden, in September 2017 and was focused on optimizing the program for the forthcoming “Advanced Big Data Training School for Life Sciences”, under the patronage of the COST Action CHARME (Harmonising standardisation strategies to increase efficiency and competitiveness of European life-science research - CA15110). The aim of the Think Tank was to go into details into several topics that were - to a degree - covered by the preceding training school. Likewise, discussions embraced recent experience of the attendees in light of the new knowledge obtained by the training school and how it comes into perspective into their current and upcoming work. The attendees were also responsible for identifying topics of interest for a follow-up training school later in 2018. The 2018 training school should strive for and further facilitate optimized applications of Big Data technologies in life sciences. This workshop was fully organized by the attendees of this hackathon

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Last time updated on 16/06/2018

This paper was published in ZENODO.

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