Evaluation of attitudes and thoughts of fifth grade medical faculty students towards psychiatry before and after psychiatry internship


Introduction: We aimed to evaluate of attitudes and thoughts of 5th grade medical faculty students towards psychiatry before and after psychiatry internship in this study.Methods: Of fifth grade, 65 student of Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Faculty of Medicine participated in this study. These students were asked to fill out the questionnaire of “Attitudes and Thoughts towards Psychiatry” before and after the psychiatric internship. This questionnaire consists of 38 questions, about attitudes towards psychiatry, psychiatric treatment and psychiatrists. The SPSS Package Program 20.0 statistical program was used for data analysis. Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Shapiro Wilk and Paired Samples Test were used.Results: 64.3% (n=36) of the study group were female, and 35.7% (n = 20) of the study group were male. 49.0% of the students preferred "internal sciences", 49.0% preferred "surgical sciences", and 2.0% "basic sciences". A total 14 questions from 38 questions were found to be statistically significant after the internship. Conclusion: It was observed that there were positive attitudes about the benefits of psychiatric treatment and consultation services after the internship compared to the pre-internship, decreased negative thoughts about psychiatric patients and psychiatristsin students of faculty of medicine. Despite the generally positive changes in psychiatric science, decreased preference of psychiatry have been observed in students of faculty of medicine

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